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19 June 2024/

White tea, with its delicate tastes and subtle aromas, holds a distinct area worldwide of tea. Among one of the most adored kinds of white tea are Shou Mei, Fuding White Tea, Aged White Tea, White Peony, Gong Mei, and White Hair Silver Needle. Each of these teas offers a…

19 June 2024/

Karui Lifting Equipment Co., Ltd (KRC), established in 1998, has actually gone to the forefront of the training devices industry, providing a comprehensive series of services including sales, installment, maintenance, spare parts supply, and production. With its roots in technical cooperation with ABUS, the largest professional crane producer in Germany,…

19 June 2024/

有一个词——外围女,相信很多人都不会陌生。其实这个词已经是相对来说比较中性的了,在一些圈子里,这些所谓的外围女往往被称之为“脏模”,通过字面就能知道含义了。 雅雅是在大三那年成为一名“脏模”的,最开始她跟着一个学姐跑外做兼职。主要是给一些企业做迎宾礼仪或者给一些不知名的小报纸做平面模特。 虽然相比其他的同学,她已经是小有收入的社会人了,但对于喜爱奢侈品的她,这些还都太少了。有一次学姐问她,想不想赚得更多她有门路。她连犹豫都没有直接点了点头,就踏上了“脏模”这条路。 学姐最开始让她拍一组写真,就是那种非常清凉的,可以看到三围的那种,然后眼神要很有诱惑。还让她写一个漂亮的简历,包括自己在学校获得过什么奖,曾经跟哪些优秀的人合作,家庭有多么深厚的背景,如果没有,那么就编,总之要看着就非常优秀的那种。 她一开始不知道要干什么,进入这个圈子才知道,原来就是用来糊弄客人的。现在的客人都很挑剔,都自命不凡,普通的女孩根本入不得他们的眼。非要征服一些有难度的人,才能显示他们特立独行。 而她进入这个圈子,也没那么容易,必须有人引荐才可以,就怕混进一些乱七八糟的,影响这个市场。她进去以后,最开始学习的就是日本动作片,各种各样的,每天都要看,晚上还要回去自己练习,第二天他们会统一被检验。当然如果是chu,就不需要真人实践,因为可以卖到更多的钱。 然后他们会组团去各个大城市,租一间豪华五星级酒店,然后进行拍照,以证明她们岁月静好的样子。偶尔他们也会去韩国,开开眼角隆隆鼻子,因为更完美才能让客户更喜欢。 至于接客,那就是经理人的事情。她们在各个地方都有所谓的分部,然后迎接不同爱好的客人。雅雅刚入行,还有点青涩,除了第一次卖到六万,剩下都1-3万不等,次数也不多,一个月还不到三十万。 当她的业绩出现在小组群里,大家都纷纷嘲笑,说经理曾经最看好她,说她是个天然美人,长得也像某个小明星,应该是男人喜欢的类型,没想到业务不熟练。 经理人为此也很生气,怎么说她看好的人这么不争气。于是准备亲自带她,检查她发的朋友圈,就连她跟男人调情的话都要她亲自过目。因为她不会引导,客人每次都不太主动,她说必须让客人欲罢不能,想吃还吃不着,他们就会着急。 有一次雅雅陪客人去打高尔夫,经理人指挥她一定要在试衣间内让客人体验点不一样的东西。雅雅觉得大庭广众之下不好,但也不敢违抗命令。帮客人换衣服的时候,手直接伸了进去,她以为客人会生气,没想到他说再用力点。 雅雅才知道,男人都喜欢这个调调的。果然那天她拿到了一笔丰厚的报酬,客人还说以后还会找她。从此以后雅雅开启新的大门,跟客人发暧昧信息张口就来都不用打草稿。 她们都喜欢在朋友圈里晒奢侈品,虽然雅雅本质也是个物质女,但她总是晒一些与众不同的。自己做的提拉米苏蛋糕,自己读的一本书,或者一个人的旅行。然后下边就有源源不断的留言,都是男人对她的夸奖。 有一次雅雅跟一个客人约好了上门服务,可客人说他要带兄弟一起回家,因为怕老婆随时打视频电话查岗。雅雅不明白他的意思,去了以后才明白,他们想要跟她一对二。 因为入行久了什么都懂,只是她从来没遇到过这样的。客人对她也大方,当即答应给三倍报酬,她当然高兴。两个男人服侍她一个月,其实她也觉得自己赚到了。而当他们大战时,男人的老婆真的打电话了,她光着身子在视频之外,看他俩联合撒谎脸不红心不跳,真的十分虚伪。 雅雅现在已经算是圈里的小富婆了,再也不是那个月入三十万被嘲笑的青涩女孩了。她还能自己挑想陪的客人,有的男人有钱但品行不行,她很反感这样的几乎不会接待。因为在这个圈子里人脉也很重要,不会有人跟你直接撕破脸,毕竟日后也有相见的时候。 她给自己买了一套房子,因为不敢让爸妈知道只能说是租的。也怕别人怀疑自己的职业,她从来对外都说自己在娱乐圈混,因为这个红是要看命的,别人都传她混得不咋地,反正没演过一个角色。 现在她已经可以带新人了,就连客人也可以自己做主了。而且她觉得凭借自己的努力,以后一定会出人头地。至于嫁人与否,都靠命运的安排。其实她还是喜欢老实人的,毕竟风流的男人她见了太多。 全球高端外围商务模特,空姐,网红,学生,卸姐,少妇,老牌经纪,诚信经营,一二线城市都可以安排,快餐3K,夜8K,有门槛介意者口嗨者勿扰!一对一服务出差旅游。 点击这里访问网站: 上海外围

18 June 2024/

In today’s rapidly developing technology landscape, Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) producers play an essential role in bringing digital devices to life. Amongst these suppliers, Keep Best PCB Assembly Co., Ltd. sticks out as a leader, providing comprehensive solutions from element procurement to finished item setting up and testing. Concentrating…

18 June 2024/

In the large landscape of Chinese tea culture, Fu Tea, additionally called Fuzhuan or Fu Brick tea, attracts attention as an unique and savory range with an abundant background and impressive wellness advantages. Stemming from the Qinling Mountains in Jingyang, China, this post-fermented tea has gathered attention not just for…

18 June 2024/

As baby shoes girl or seller, browsing via the myriad options and suppliers can be frustrating. Whether you’re looking for infant boy sandals for the summer season, relaxing winter season baby booties, fashionable baby boots, or natural child booties, recognizing the market and finding trustworthy providers is essential. In the…

17 June 2024/

Among the several options available, brands like Blackdeer and Mobi Garden deal superb selections for durable and comfy outdoors tents. These brands additionally give a selection of camping tent devices that enhance the outdoor experience, ensuring you have every little thing you need for a comfy and pleasurable keep. One…

16 June 2024/

In today’s vibrant financial landscape, discovering a trustworthy partner to handle your financial investments and economic preparation is essential. JD Trader emerges as a popular number in this world, not merely as a website but as a recognized financial institution renowned for its thorough series of financial investment alternatives and…

16 June 2024/

In today’s digital era, social media and online platforms have revolutionized the way we interact, learn, and even invest. One such platform that stands out is JD Trader, which offers investors a unique blend of community engagement and social trading features. This article delves into the investor community function of…

16 June 2024/

The globe of environment-friendly manufacturing has seen considerable innovations with the introduction and development of pulp molding modern technology, specifically in the world of making tableware and packaging remedies. A pulp molding tableware equipment stands at the center of this advancement, transforming raw materials such as recycled paper and farming…

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